Friday, April 20, 2012

Let Go

Let go. Why do you cling to pain? There is nothing you can do about the wrongs of yesterday. It is not yours to judge. Why hold on to the very thing which keeps you from hope and love?


Tamera Beardsley said...

I must remember this more...and not let it hinder the realization of so much good. Thanks for sharing this!

studio lolo said...

aah, Leo. I miss him.

Great quote, of course, and I love the prayer flags in the background ;)

Happy Friday!♥

Robin said...

Those words could be the *mantra* of my last three years......THIS year, I have learned to relax, release and relish the Future!


♥ Robin ♥

Anonymous said...

You give us a great lesson friend ... you have to look north, discard what is bad, to live ....
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

This is something I could use as an affirmation and read it over and over. Using this skill makes all the difference in the world as we move through and toward the final stages of our lives.

get zapped said...

tamera- yea!

lolo- me, too. :)

robin- we need mantras!

remei- happy to assist....

joni-so true, we must embrace that which speaks to us.