Friday, December 15, 2006


The beast in me is caged by frail and fragile bars. ~Johnny Cash


Anonymous said...

This is my fourth trip here, and all I can hear is Sting.

I like Sting, but now I have that song in my head.

Suzan Abrams, email: said...

And in me too...]
perhaps, perhaps.

Anonymous said...

Being human like Johnny Cash, and agreeing with Susan, I too feel the same, some (perhaps many..ha ha) moments in my life.

get zapped said...

I feel the same way. But, the thing that brings it all around is that since they are fragile, we can get past them easier than we might think.

Anonymous said...

One could easily take Cash lyrics and do a 'get zapped'-like blog just with those- that'd be an interesting tribute (forgive me, I have loved Johnny for years- long b-4 the movie!)

Icarus said...

Re L.P. just above: or Sting; or Neil Young; or Cole Porter; or Dylan; or Marvin Gaye.
But not Jennifer Aguilera; nor Nelly Furtado...:-)

get zapped said...

Yep, you're right, lp, and many others as ms pointed out...but, don't forget Ray Charles ; )