Friday, July 01, 2011


My wife's jealousy is getting ridiculous. The other day she looked at my calendar and wanted to know who May was. ~Rodney Dangerfield


Anonymous said...

May, June, April. There's all kinds of women on my husband's calendar! Now I'm concerned!! ;-)

studio lolo said...

Whoa!! Music! I'm bopping to Summertime :)

I loved Rodney. Was this photo taken in cambria? I swear I recognize your mannequin friend!

Happy safe 4th~♥

void said...

lol! Rodney Dangerfield was hilarious!! Good one!

get zapped said...

joni- lol!

lolo-happy you like the Miles tune. This was taken in Athens- maybe this mannequin gets around :)

camille- absolutely!

Cergie said...

Yes I'm jealous of the calendar of my husband, it is too full because of his job and he has not enough time for me, for us...