Monday, March 21, 2011


Sitting quietly, doing nothing, spring comes, and the grass grows by itself. ~Zen Proverb
Happy Spring Equinox!


Janice Thomson said...

Yes...think I need more of that quiet patience.

studio lolo said...

I need more of that quiet patience as well. It's snowing here today after reaching 75 degrees 3 days ago.

Happy Spring equinox to you, my friend! I suppose you're pretty wet where you are. Mother Nature has her own plans for us all ;)

Anonymous said...

very peaceful. Right now I'm having great anxiety over my weeds. ;-)

get zapped said...

janice- I can totally relate...

lolo- wow, that's crazy! Yes, wet with a little blue sky today :)

joni- yes, they multiply rapidly, now chill :P

Rizal Affif said...

