Friday, May 28, 2010

No War

Sometime they'll give a war and nobody will come. ~Carl Sandburg


Janice Thomson said...

Gosh what an event that would be!

studio lolo said...

if only! I hope I'm around for that ;)

Wonderful image. Your art?

Carl Sandburg and other scientists/naturalists that have gone on before us are rolling in their graves disturbed by the latest oil fiasco.

My heart aches for this planet.


donny* said...

sounds good to me! and the image is awesome.

佳琪佳琪 said...
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get zapped said...

janice- indeed!!

lolo- wouldn't that be great! My heart aches too. A fellow Buddhist said in a letter that we need to become outrageous not outraged. Food for thought...
Yes, that's a mono-type collage I did using bamboo and other plant life.

donny- thanks!!

Anonymous said...

...still a good thought...

Nice collage.

Deepak Acharya said...

No war, only peace we need.