Friday, November 21, 2008

No Shame

Live in such a way that you would not be ashamed to sell your parrot to the town gossip. ~Will Rogers

Note: Pictured is "Jerry", my mom's African Grey parrot. And he's a hoot (no pun intended).


Devika Jyothi said...


If lived truthfully, nothing to be ashamed of as well...

Jerry is cute :)

wishes, GZ

Janice Thomson said...

LOL too funny GZ!

polona said...

hahaha... you made me laugh!
cute bird, fun quote!

studio lolo said...

I have a blogger friend I must send this to! She posts entries from her African Grey's mouth, er, beak! His name is Oliver.
I love this photo and this quote!
Oh, my sister has an AG too...must send it to her :)

humanobserver said...

Both the quote and the photo great......

Maithri said...

Thats a fantastic quote!! And so true...

Jerry looks a wise one ;)

Love and light dear friend,


please sir said...

Great quote and cute birdy!

get zapped said...

Devika - if only it were that easy. "-]

janice- ;-)

polona- I thought you might like this one :=]

lolo- oh, cool. I knew a wonderful cat named Oliver.

humanobserver- thanks for stopping by.

maithri- Jerry is pretty awesome. Peace to you.

debbie- thanks!

please sir- nice of you to swing by. Thank you.

Devika Jyothi said...

Hi GZ!

In reality it is a very normal thing..."virtually" it seems a difficult affair for

What makes the difference --rules??
not to say that rules are the way to truthful living..but it definitely helps..

and, may be EU is right with their proposal to regulate blogs...a personal opinion..not for a debate :)


studio lolo said...

I stumbled upon this wonderful quote today and thought of you :)
You provide peace to everyone who comes here.
Have a wonderful holiday!

If you wish to experience peace, provide peace for another.

—Tenzin Gyatso

soulbrush said...

ha ha i love parrots, and he is fine fellow, and what a funny yet true quote.

Dragana Savkov - Bajić said...

I like your blog! :)

R. Ramesh said...

Every other day i am advised by my colleagues - dont be so transparent..but i have lived the way i have and this is my 26 th year in mainstream journalism..u said it..nothing of shame for a life truthfully's all about convincing our own conscience..sorry if i dragged on..have fun..

Annie Jeffries said...

Will sure has THAT right.

raindog said...

but if i were to sell my dog to the town gossip i'd be okay then, right? :)

Shrig said...

I'm sure there is just a little pun intended...:P