Monday, November 27, 2006

Find Your Place

Find your place on the planet. Dig in, and take responsibility from there. ~Gary Snyder


Suzan Abrams, email: said...

Am doing that very thing, Getzapped.
What lovely posts you have.
Have linked to you on my blogroll, by the way. Hope that's okay.


Anonymous said...

You have an interesting concept here. Unique photos with deep messages.

I agree with your message here. I do my best in my little corner.

Thank you for your lovely visit the other day.

get zapped said...

It's all we can do and it feels good to know others are digging in too. Thank you for stopping in! Susan, I'm delighted to be linked to your blogroll. Very cool.


Cergie said...

Really, with a great idea having made such a blog: one sentence and one picture per post
This montage is very nice: different landscapes and a beautiful collating

Thank you for visiting my blog

That place you saw is in my town, yes it is very fine to go there and be just quiet, even when alone

get zapped said...


Glad you like the idea. It's fun!

Wow, what a beautiful town you must reside in. And how fortunate you are to take time to spend in that lovely place.

Thanks for the visit ;)